TheSentinelBot (TSB) is permanently shutting down. Unfortunately we are no longer able to maintain the TSB project mainly due to Google restricting our API usage and also due to a lack of developer and system resources. We've submitted requests to Google for raising the rate limit on our API key, however those have been denied. As such, we will soon be shutting down all our TSB bots indefinitely. If you'd like to export any of your data, please reach out to us in our Discord. Thank you for using TSB up until now.

Developers // Types

API Types

Subreddit Notation

Notation Syntax (in EBNF Grammar)

Where the final subreddit grammar is the final notation.

        digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
        letter = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G"
            | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N"
            | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U"
            | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" | "a" | "b"
            | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i"
            | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p"
            | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w"
            | "x" | "y" | "z" ;

        srchar = letter | digit | "_" ;
        srname = srchar, srchar, { srchar } ;

        negsep = "-" | "," ;
        possep = "+" | "," ;

        srneglist = srname, { negsep, srname } ;
        srposlist = srname, { possep, srname } ;

        subreddit = srposlist | 'all', [ ":", category ], [ '-', srneglist ] ;

What category can be equal to is listed in the next section

Subreddit Categories

Subreddit Categories are based what TSB modules a subreddit can have enabled. If a subreddit has a module enabled, then it is to be considered in that category. If it does not have a module enabled, then it is to be considered not in that category.

"all": Subreddit categories can be used to modify the "all" keyword, which, on its own, results in all the subreddits you mod that have TheSentinelBot.

For example, all:modmail results in all subreddits you mod that have "Modmail Logging" enabled.

Another example, all:tsb-aww results in all subreddits you mod that have "Sentinel" enabled, except /r/aww.

Here is a list of all the category types currently available:

  • sentinel; aliases: tsb, thesentinel

  • modlog; aliases: log, logs

  • modmail; aliases: none

  • botban; aliases: botban, userban

  • domainblacklist; aliases: domain, domains, domainban

  • dirtbag; aliases: none

Valid Examples:

  • aww: just /r/aww
  • aww,DestinyTheGame,videos: /r/aww, /r/DestinyTheGame, and /r/videos
  • aww+DestinyTheGame+videos: same as above
  • aww+DestinyTheGame,videos: same as above
  • aww,DestinyTheGame+videos: same as above
  • all: all subreddits you mod that have TSB (TSB subreddits)
  • all-aww: all subreddits you mod except for /r/aww
  • all-aww,DestinyTheGame,videos: all TSB subreddits you mod except for /r/aww, /r/DestinyTheGame, and /r/videos
  • all-aww-DestinyTheGame-videos: same as above
  • all-aww-DestinyTheGame,videos: same as above
  • all-aww,DestinyTheGame-videos: same as above
  • all:modlog: all TSB subreddits you mod that have mod action logging enabled
  • all:modlog-aww: all TSB subreddits you mod that have mod action logging enabled except for /r/aww
  • all:modlog-aww,DestinyTheGame,videos: all TSB subreddits you mod that have mod action logging enabled except for /r/aww, /r/DestinyTheGame, and /r/videos
  • all:logs-aww-DestinyTheGame-videos: same as above

Invalid Examples:

These examples are examples of invalid syntax that may cause an error (SR_INVALID) when used:

  • aww-DestinyTheGame: cannot subtract two subreddits.
  • all+aww: cannot use concatenation in conjunction with "all".
  • all,aww: same as above.
  • all-aww+DestinyTheGame: cannot use + in conjunction with all.
  • all:modlog,aww: cannot use concatenation in conjunction will categorized "all".
  • all:modlog+aww: same as above.

Mod Action Types

  • banuser
  • unbanuser
  • muteuser
  • unmuteuser
  • addcontributor
  • removecontributor
  • approvelink
  • removelink
  • approvecomment
  • removecomment
  • spamlink
  • spamcomment
  • invitemoderator
  • uninvitemoderator
  • acceptmoderatorinvite
  • addmoderator
  • removemoderator
  • setpermissions
  • distinguish
  • editsettings
  • createrule
  • deleterule
  • editrule
  • reorderrules
  • community_styling
  • community_widgets
  • modmail_enrollment
  • lock
  • unlock
  • sticky
  • unsticky
  • ignorereports
  • unignorereports
  • spoiler
  • unspoiler
  • marknsfw
  • setsuggestedsort
  • setcontestmode
  • unsetcontestmode
  • markoriginalcontent
  • wikibanned
  • wikicontributor
  • wikiunbanned
  • wikipagelisted
  • removewikicontributor
  • wikirevise
  • wikipermlevel
  • editflair
  • create_award
  • disable_award
  • delete_award
  • mod_award_given
  • collections
  • add_community_topics
  • remove_community_topics
  • events